Friday, 9 November 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

George and I are sending big Happy Birthday wishes to my 94-year-old Mother, Bertha Kallio, in Abbotsford, BC,  Canada.

Happy Birthday, Mom!  Sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you but we know that you will have lots of family and friends around you on your big day.

My Mom was born in White Lake, BC, on November 9, 1918.    She was the fifth of seven children born to Finnish immigrants, Ida and Victor Nayki.

She was married on April 26, probably 1938, to my Dad, Matt Kallio, also a Finnish immigrant.  They, too, had seven children.  I am the fifth child of that seven.

Her family has grown to at least a dozen grandchildren, and 21 great grandchildren.  (It is hard to keep track!)

It is truly a multicultural family.

She enjoys fairly good health and is always interested in world events (particularly politics).  She owns an iPad and we keep in touch with her regularly on Skype while we are in India.  How many 94-year-olds are that tech savvy!

Mom is a great lady, loved and respected by all her family, her friends and our friends, too.

I am sure that all the staff and students at UFV Chandigarh join us in wishing her a Happy Birthday!


It is the birthday season!