Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sunday in our neighbourhood......

It's a happening place!
A parade came down the street.

A couple were married at the local community centre.

School was closed for the day.

The clothes ironing man gave us a big smile.

The UMT barber (ie. Under Mango Tree) was  busy.

Two ladies roasted corn on the cob over an open fire to sell for a bit of money.

The shoe man's friend was the only one willing to pose with the merchandise.

The ice cream man was very tired.

The Brahman bull was happy to find some old rotis in the garbage.

A feral dog hoped he would be so lucky!

Some people stayed inside their beautiful air conditioned homes.

Others aren't so fortunate.

Young men played volleyball.

Flowers bloomed.

And we had dinner with our Chandigarh family--rice, navy beans,  okra, roti and fresh cucumbers.