Monday 29 October 2012

Tidbits from A Broad.........

"Good moo-rning," said the cow as we made our way to the park for our morning jog.

This was a quiet day in Chandigarh.  It was another holiday except for the staff at UFV.  They were busy preparing for the many important visitors and important events that are upcoming.

My favourite photo subject!  This lady was happy to pose for a picture as she carried her load down the street.
The two gentlemen on the right had to stop us on our second or third loop around Terraced Garden to settle a debate they were having.  How old are we?  The fellow in the centre was pleased with himself.  He had guessed George's age exactly--well, only until tomorrow!

The gentleman on the left happened to be walking by, and when he saw that a photo was being taken, he quickly jumped in.

This didn't happen at the park but in a parking lot a few days ago.  Gurneet demonstrated what you do if, in a crowded parking lot, someone parks behind you and blocks you in.  You just push their car out of the way!  Considerate drivers leave their cars in neutral to make this possible.