Saturday 6 October 2012

A Little Sufi for the Soul.......

Tonight was the big Hans Raj Hans Sufi Concert to raise money for the NGO Distributing Indigenous Resources (DIR).  Unfortunately, the founder and guiding light, 80+ year old Dr. Shaw was too ill to attend.
The outdoor venue at Chandigarh Golf Club was beautifully set up by UFV staff and students.  Our students sold tickets and worked at the event ushering guests to their seats.
 Hans Raj Hans has had a successful career as sufi singer.  The fine gentleman sitting beside me said that sufi music is about praising God.  Although
we couldn't understand a word, it was clear that Hans Raj Hans can dazzle an audience.  We didn't get the funny things he said but the audience thought he was hilarious.

The entire groups was so talented.  No whirling dervishes, though.  As far as I can determine, the instruments played were the diruba, tabla, santoor and harmonium.

Hans Raj Hans had a short career as a politician.  It isn't really clear if his offer of his talent for this event will help him most to revive his music career or his political career.

Apart from Gurneet, this is the staff crew that helped put on the event--and they worked hard.
Jeevika, Adi, Simlee and Dilmeet.

 Of course our students were there helping out.  Here are Milan and Sumanpreet (who encouraged me to sparkle).  Unfortunately, her parents couldn't make it but we did meet some others.

Ankita, Opinder and Divya are senior students in the BBA Program.  The senior students show great leadership skills.

UFV Chandigarh got good exposure on the signage around the site.

Here is the crew:  Gurneet, Kathryn, Adam, Guillaume (from the Consulate), Jeevika, Dilmeet (crouching), Stacy, Team Peary, Simlee and Adi.

Everyone was in a picture-taking mood to celebrate the success of the evening.

Here we added the drivers and cleaning crew--all essential (and helpful) men.

Harbans, Suresh, Brojinder and Anil.

Of course when the students saw us posing, they just had to join in.

Ravneet and Vartika are second year students.
The best thing about the evening were the cheers that came from our students every time UFV was mentioned.  They are truly proud of their school.

All were called on stage for a group photo.  I will have to get a copy of that from someone else.

Gurneet and his staff and the students of UFV Chandigarh are A++ and they put on an A++ event!