Monday 15 October 2012

Road to Delhi.......

Sounds like the title of a movie.  Instead of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, we have George, Harbans and the lovely Dilmeet.  (Students, Google "Road Movies."  They were before your time!)

Like Stephen Covey, I began with the end in mind.  Our ultimate destination for this road trip was the Taj Mahal, posted yesterday.

The journey began early Friday morning as we headed out at 6:00 am to drive to Delhi.  The sun was just rising as we turned south from Chandigarh for the 257 km drive to Delhi.

Of course, our first stop was to have paranthas for breakfast at Haveli.  Seems this restaurant is ideally located for breakfast whichever direction we go from Chandigarh.

As usual, there were several life-like figures demonstrating Punjabi traditions all around the restaurant.

I am not sure Baskin Robbins fits that description, but there it was.

Our van needed fuel, so that was the next important stop.  We used diesel which was 45.5 rupees per litre, and it looks like the petrol was about 63 rupees per litre.  Hmmm! If a rupee is about 2 cents Canadian.........

 This was another interesting route with action on all sides all of the time.  Some of our passengers chose to sleep but someone had to stay awake to capture the moments.
 For the most part, this is a divided highway with at least two lanes going in each direction.  Should be a fast and easy drive except the highway is crowded with all types of vehicles imaginable.  There are trucks and cars, of course.  But, there are also motor bikes, tractors, animal drawn carts, bicycles--some carrying huge loads, tuk tuks, pedestrians, etc. etc.

A driver must be so alert to avoid any incidents as vehicles and people are crossing and passing.  We saw evidence of only one accident and that involved two of the larger trucks.

There is an infinite variety of people, clothing, and colours.

And occasionally, we see this.  Did this driver mistakenly go the wrong way, or is it just a faster way to get to his destination?

Many, many trucks of this size with huge loads use this route to deliver goods.

People watching is a great pastime as you travel along.

Temples, temples, temples everywhere.  Hopefully I am correct is saying this is a Hindu temple?  Dilmeet tells me that the shape of the spire is the significant thing.  The countryside is dotted with relatively small ones.

This, I understand, is another Indian food restaurant that welcomes travellers.  Amazing architecture.

Construction is booming.  Sign of a growing economy.  Most new buildings have very modern designs and often the entrance to the facility has a gate

A few places along the way, we had to use side roads because the "fly overs" are still under construction.

Interesting to see the construction technique for the concrete buildings.

It seems that the gate to a new housing or industrial development is the first structure built.

There are resorts and amusement parks along the way.    Jurasik Park was complete with large dinosaurs.

Four and a half hours after leaving Chandigarh, we arrived in Delhi.  Now the GPS had to begin its work!

First stop, The Red Fort...........