Saturday, 1 December 2012

Saturday in the park, I think it was the.....


Wow, Canada!  Can you believe this weather?

It is a little hard to get into the Christmas spirit on a warm and sunny day.  Actually, the temperature was a cool 11 degrees this morning when we went out for our jog but it rose to about 25 during the day.
 If there is one lesson we have learned from many of the people of India it is this.  Do what you have to do with the resources you have available.  We see amazing examples of this every day.

We wondered how we could continue our workout routine when we came to live here. Well, no expensive fitness club memberships for us or excuses for laziness.  We used the resources that were available.
 You don't need a treadmill or an elliptical trainer when the Terraced Garden is a five minute walk away.  The trail on the perimeter of this park is about a one kilometre loop.

Four times around that is the usual goal.

We have been told by some of the regulars that we have been an inspiration to many who are now focussing more on their fitness.

I am sure they are thinking, "If those two old folks can run........."

Some weight training is important, but you don't need free weights or machines if you have patio chairs made of iron.

These, of course, are the heavier weights for those who want muscles of iron.

A couple of discarded bricks picked up from the side of the street serve as the lighter weights for the 'light weight.'

For really, really heavy weight, the old body provides that!

What a gym setting with the backdrop of beautiful bougainvillea.

As I was looking through photos, I came across an identical shot of the park taken, probably, the first day we jogged back in early September.  That was at the end of a hot summer and many weeks of monsoons.

The one at the top of this page, taken this morning, is quite a contrast.

The sky is blue and the flowers are blooming.  It is like springtime.

Every day the workers are at the park, diligently weeding, watering and trimming.

Mustn't forget the other runners with whom we share the trail.  There are dozens of chipmunks dashing all around.
So, we will enjoy a few more days of our fitness routine in this picturesque setting before heading to the cold and rain at home--and Christmas!

It won't be easy saying goodbye because we do love it here, but home, family and friends sound pretty good, too.  The final lyrics of the Chicago song I started with,

"I've been waiting such a long time...."