Sunday, 2 December 2012

Bollywood North?

Today there was something happening in the  shopping area just across the street from our house.

So we went over to join the big crowd that was gathering to watch a movie shoot.

This appeared to be the main actor and, according to the script, he wasn't having a good day.

Now we knew why they needed a hoist.  Up he went.......

and was heaved against the vehicle.  The vehicle spun around.  I don't think the grimace on his face was all acting!

Later in the day, we stopped by again.  Things hadn't improved for our hero.  As we approached, we saw him flip up in the air, and then there he was, flat on the his back in the dirt with the tough guy, table leg in hand, ready to beat him.

Oh no!  He started kicking him in the head!!!

I hope this was a movie shoot.

Coming soon to a theatre near you, "How I Was Beaten Up in the Parking Lot in Sector 33!"

Something new blooming in our neighbourhood.  It is a tree and the closest picture I could find on the internet was called Red Bottle Brush???

Very unique, whatever it is.
And, talk about unique!  I should have clicked this before we took it apart and ate the innards.

Any idea what it is?

Well, today Kamaljeet Sidhu, friend of Hardeep Jawanda, came by with this very special treat for us.  He gave us a bag and said in it was delicious chicken that had come from an area about 200 km away.

Chicken it was, masala chicken wrapped in cheesecloth and then wrapped in a type of bread dough and probably roasted on a spit over an open fire?  (The internet doesn't even know about this specialty.)

Delicious it was!