Tuesday 24 September 2013

Who let the cows out?

Like the swallows of Capistrano, the cows are returning to Chandigarh!

I haven't read much about this issue lately, but many residents were not too happy when the Municipal Corporation was rounding up the strays.

A Guest Appearance!  We were invited to speak to a visiting group of students from the new campus of SD College.  SD College is our host campus here in Chandigarh, but they have recently opened Kheri-Gurna Campus near Patiala.  There they are creating a new model of college education.

Last week, Mushtaq Sir had his future school company students involved in a team building exercise.

In teams of six, their task was to move the glass of water from the centre of the large circle and empty its contents into another glass outside the circle.

Sounds easy except--they could not step inside the large circle, and the only tools he provided were a ball of string, some elastic bands and a cutting tool.

Students could use whatever they found around the campus and they went hunting.

Using various means, the tools from inside the circle were retrieved.

So very many clever attempts were made.

But, alas, after an hour, no one had been successful.

Of course, I knew how to do it--only because Mushtaq Sir told me.  I thought it was pretty much impossible.

Finally, Sir showed them how it was done!  It wasn't simple, but it was effective.

I am sorry that I can't give away the solution in a public blog.....

Meanwhile, on the food front (there is always a food front), Bethany "baked" a cheesecake which she generously shared with us.

George went to the sweet shop--and had to be dragged away.

Dilmeet's Mom prepared another of her super dinners for us.

She has a very clever method of using her pressure cooker pot to make naan.

Mrs. Bhasin makes a different type of bread every time we visit.

Just a little finishing up and dinner is served!

While dinner preparation is happening in the kitchen, the men engage in their usual solving of the world's problems.

Real Chandigarh Chaat!!!  Ninni made this appetizer dish for us when we visited the Anand's on Sunday.

My one taste of restaurant chaat last year didn't really impress me, but this certainly did!!!

Paneer and paranthas also came from Ninni's kitchen.  Yumm!

We had been watching a structure like this rise up in the exhibition grounds in Sector 34 and couldn't imagine what it was going to be.

On Sunday, we went down to see what it had become.

Of course, festival season is just about upon us and the exhibition grounds will be filled with action from now until Diwali.

Can you believe that a web of bamboo sticks could become a huge replica of the Titanic?  This is the entrance to the midway, complete with two naval officers standing at the bottom of the ramp.

The finishing touches are still being done--like the lifeboats which turned out to be quite important to the Titanic.

No factory-manufactured pieces for this ship!  The craftsman were working with limited tools to put this amazing structure together.

And the rides are ready to go!

As usual, the new batch of BUS 100 students got to meet Colleen Bell via technology for their UFV Library orientation.  Colleen did a late Sunday night presentation in Abbotsford so she could talk to George's students on Monday morning in Chandigarh.

Amidst this wonderful and comfortable life we and many others have, there are reminders of those who have nothing.

As we walked by our neighbourhood park the other day, we saw a young boy of about six sitting on a blanket on the dirty parking lot, cradling and comforting his much younger brother.  That little one was very ill and in so much distress.

I didn't need to take a photo.  The image is still so vivid in my mind..............